Social Policy & 经济学

Studying how changing social policies impact our communities is a key focus of 趣赢平台’s work. Through our expertise in evaluation, program assessment, policy analysis, 和调查, we examine issues affecting the well-being of Americans, including special subgroups such as children and families, military personnel, marginalized populations. Our staff specialize in evaluation design, behavioral modeling, 和经济学, we lever年龄 existing data sets to support analysis.






Recent 出版物



奥尔L.L., 奥尔森R.B., 贝尔年代.H.施密德我., Shivji., Stuart E.A. (2019).

Using the results from rigorous multisite evaluations to inform local policy decisions.

Gubits D.希恩米.木米.棕色的年代.R.Dastrup年代.R., 贝尔年代.H. (2018).

What interventions work best for families who experience homelessness? Impact estimates from the Family Options Study.

柯克帕特里克年代.I.多德K.W., Potischman N., 齐默尔曼T.P., 道格拉斯D.Guenther P.M.德沃德C., Atoloye.T.,卡利L.L., Subar.F., Reedy J. (2021).

Healthy Eating Index-2015 scores among adults based on observed vs recalled dietary intake.

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关于我们 职业生涯

趣赢平台 Employees.
趣赢平台 Employee.
AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety
Baltimore Metropolitan Council
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
DC Public Schools
Georgia Department of Transportation
Internal Revenue Service
领导 Montgomery
Maryland Cancer Registry
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
National Science Foundation
NYC Mayor’s Office for Economic Opportunity
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
sirius xm公司
Social Security Administration
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Teach for America
Texas 教育 Agency
The Johns Hopkins University
The National Institutes of Health
The Verizon Foundation
U.S. Department of Agriculture
U.S. Department of 教育
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
University of Maryland Baltimore Campus
University of Michigan
University System of Maryland
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趣赢平台 is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, 信条, color, 宗教, 性, national origin, 年龄, veteran status, 残疾, marital status, 性ual orientation, citizenship status, genetic information, gender identity or expression, or any other protected status under applicable law. Notices to Employees & 申请人.

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